Environmental Protection
Silicium PCC S.A. extracts a Devonian deposit of quartz sandstone, formed about 450 million years BC, located in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains in the western part of the Bukowa Góra hill.
The geological structure is very diverse in terms of lithology. The entire deposit is crossed by a series of transverse faults. In some layers of deposits there are visible imprints of see fauna from about 450 million years ago. Because of the interesting geological structure, after the extraction it is planned to leave the pit for the geological research, educational and tourist purposes.
The deposit is located in the areas of high natural landscape values. The quarry is surrounded by the forests of Klonowski Range in Świętokrzyskie Mountains, which belong to the important interregional ecological knot.
Environmental conditions cause that our business take cares of ensuring the proper functioning of the valuable elements of fauna and flora.
We do this by:
- reasonably balanced protection of forest land,
- appropriate selection of recultivation area,
- protection of surface water and groundwater.
On the areas surrounding the quarry, there are stated no negative effects of company activities on the environment. The location of the quarry does not pose a threat to valuable species of forest ecosystems.
Environmental activities which were taken to reconstruct former quarry drift created a safe environment for living and wintering for rare species of bats.
This demonstrates that our business does not create barriers for the development of the existing environment and remains in symbiosis with the surrounding natural environment.
We are also taking actions concerning the reduction of the negative impacts from the aggregates processing, such as:
- reduction of dust emission,
- reduction of noise emitted by production equipment,
- rational waste disposal