Safety rules
Safety and care of people`s life and health is a very important part of PCC activity.
In the quarry where PCC Silicium S.A. runs quartzite output, there are natural threats associated with the excavation of deposit using explosive materials.
Blasting works are carried out at 9:30 – 11:00am and 12:30 – 3:00pm. The firing of explosives materials is preceded by acoustic and optical signals. During this time, outsiders cannot enter the quarry and the directly adjacent area ( the zone where the stone debris can spread).
The information about forbidden access to quarry is placed in communication roads and forest ducts.
The access is also forbidden for people who are not employed in the company to enter to the processing plant, dumps, storage area, transport routes running through woodland ares and clarifier sludge.
The basic aim of the PCC Silicium concerning safety is elimination of any potential threats, which can cause accidents at work and occupational diseases. For this purpose, we use reliable procedures and, above all, we strive to create a strong safety culture among employees.
To ensure the desired level of safety we also invest in modern mining machines and equipment which meet the highest standards of safety and health protection of our employees.