About the company

Company authorities

Management Board

Aleksander Wąsik – President of the Management Board

Supervisory Board

Mariusz Antosiewicz – Chairman
Marzena Ambroziak – Vice Chairman
Joerg Dembek – Member
Jan Dąbek – Member
Tomasz Sklenarski – Member


PCC Silicium SA (former name: Kopalnia i Zakład Wzbogacania Kwarcytu „Bukowa Góra” S.A.) has been functioning on the road and railways building market for 40 years. Company produces aggregates used for roads and railway building and quartzite industry.e.

1. The company’s history dates back to the 1970s. The company was established on 31st May 1972 because of rich deposits and highly valued  quartzite sandstone, which is necessary for the production  of iron silicon in steel plant and fire-resistant materials. Company was established as a state company called Kopalnia i Zakład Wzbogacania Kwarcytu „Bukowa Góra” w budowie).

2. In 1974 the deposit was made available to the to mining pit “Bukowa Góra”.

3. On 1st January 1975 Kopalnia i Zakład Wzbogacania Kwarcytu ”Bukowa Góra” w budowie started the proper excavating works as Kopalnia i Zakład Wzbogacania Kwarcytu ”Bukowa Góra”.

4. On 22nd September 1977 the company opened its own railway siding, which links the ”Bukowa Góra” Quarry with the  railway station in Łączna.

5. In June 1978 the company launched a new technological line (WKD).

6. On 23rd May 1982 the company delivered 1 000 000tons of quartzite for industry.

7. On 1st April 2000 the company was transformed into a company wholly owned by the Polish Treasury and called KiZWK „Bukowa Góra” S.A.

8. In 2003 the company developed and implemented “The restructuring program KiZWK Bukowa Góra “S.A. To support the public program, the Minister of the Treasury gave financial resources to the company.

9. In the years 2005 – 2007 the company modernized its production lines. Restructuring program was completed  in 2007.

10.  In 2008, the company developed and implemented its own Production Control System. This system describes all the actions that should be taken during the production of aggregates  to ensure the consistent quality of products.

11. In 2006 – 2007  the company substantiates the new batch of quartz deposits in the amount of 15.5 million ton.

12. In June 2009, the Minister of the Polish Treasury decided to privatize the Company putting it for auction.

13. On 29th September 2009 the PCC SE Company with the head office in Duisburg purchased 90.25% shares of KiZWK “Bukowa Góra” S.A.

14. On 1st  January 2011 the Company changed its name to PCC Silicium S.A.

15. The company has documented resources of quartzite sandstone and has concession for excavation till the year 2035. The license is a strong basis for running business in the period of extremely high demand for aggregates in the country and in the region.